Every concerned person should educate themselves on propaganda techniques.

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Michael, I touch language, it’s use and misuse, in this Substack from time to time and will devote a whole post to the misinformation/disinformation problem as it pertains to the environment sometime soon. This should be taught in our schools, how to spot lies, mendacity, and misinformation.

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I hope that the incentives work.

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Perry, yes! It seems simple enough.

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I forgot to ask if you know what are the incentives for the farmers? Are they related to economic/tax breaks, etc.? Or is it something else?

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Perry, I only know that incentives are suggested. I think the scientists understand that they lack the knowledge of how best to motivate farmers. The researchers’ bailiwick is birds and wetlands.

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The photo of the Central Valley immediately had me thinking about how Property Rights and land use drive the parcelization of land into smaller and smaller units. All this is a back drop to the ever expanding urban glacier. Water and wetlands are two of our most precious natural resources. God help us!

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I hope someone is currently studying the reincarnation of Tulare Lake (not mentioned in your piece because it had ceased to exist when you wrote it!) and its effect on birds. Tulare was once the biggest lake in the country after the Great Lakes. Irrigation draw destroyed it.

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