Well, I enjoy vegetables from my garden, some of the herbs I have are cilantro, mint, and Italian thyme. But my cousin cleared her garden last Friday, and I’m still eating the vegetables she gave me. It’s Tuesday here in New Zealand.

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Maia, I think gardening is one of the most wonderful things that folks can do, for a lot of reasons. Mostly, it can be a lot of fun. I hope to write more about gardening and its benefits in future Substacks of mine.

I'd be interested in where New Zealanders get their food. Do you ship much in from overseas?

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All the major American brands Kellogg’s, Coke, Pepsi, energy drinks, Reese’s are in supermarkets throughout New Zealand.

McDonalds, Wendy’s, Karl’s Burger, Dominoes, Pizza Hut etc are also throughout New Zealand.

Australia, Europe all over the world foods are sourced.

The major problem here, is our Primary Industry are meat, fish & seafoods, all dairy products, and powdered milk to China & Russia.

The Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, one deal was worth millions and live stock sheep were shipped there. It was a failure.

The National carrier, Air New Zealand, the Labour government & the Saudi Arabian government made a 3 way contract, so Saudi Arabia can have control of space in New Zealand.

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My cousin runs a community garden and food bank, in her suburb. I take up things for them to plant, like they loved all the extra herbs I took up last year. Their herb garden has really taken off.

They provide for families all over Dunedin, sometimes I do runs, too.

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It’s best if you research it go check out SeaLords, who bought in positive COVID-19 Russian fishermen from Russia to work on their fishing vessels, ahead of New Zealanders. Find out who’s invested in New Zealand, I actually have potentially millions I’m researching for at the moment.

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Maia, I sort of guessed that many of the chains, Coke, Kellogg's McDonald's, etc., would have established themselves in New Zealand, but I was interested to learn about the food production and shipment to China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. Thanks so much for the information!

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It’s nice to know I don’t need to feel bad about my banana intake. I will say that I haven’t found anything that beats Ohio corn!

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Bettie, I might wind up eating a dozen bananas in a month. There are too many things in the world to worry about for people to be concerned about the bananas they eat. Thanks for your comment.

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