Interesting. Species relocation is relatively common in New Zealand, mainly reintroduction of species that had been wiped out by predators to areas where predators had been removed. There's a rather unusual one near where I live of a snail that was moved from a forest fragment tens of kilometres away to near me. Sometimes I come across the snails when I'm walking in the bush and I think about that translocation.

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Melanie, yes, much of what I read about translocations occurred in New Zealand. I'm sorry I did not mention that in the post. I'll probably be writing more on this topic and will probably include more information on New Zealand. Maybe it could be something we work on together.

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Yes, that would make a great collaboration topic. It would also be a good opportunity to see if there's any information on how things are going in Mauritius where they were translocating an analogue species to see if it would help rare plants. I was there to see it 20 years ago.

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