Nov 5, 2023Liked by Paul Hormick

I have always hung my clothes out. Love the fresh air smell the outside gives. I also would like to share something. I found that on rainy days put your clothes on hangers make a clothes line in garage or if u have fan in bathroom hang the clothes up. Turn on the fan it will dry them just like a breezy day outside they smell like u had them out. I've done this for years.

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Reta, thanks for your comment. My wife and I started line drying our clothes about 15 years ago. I LOVE how fresh our clothes and bed sheets are after we hang them out to dry. We have a couple of the folding racks that we dry our clothes on during rainy days. I hadn't thought about using the fan. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Over the years, I've got slack, even though I have a clothesline. It was one of my new year's resolutions to use it as much as possible. I did pretty well despite the weather until June, when days suitable for drying clothes in Wellington's climate became too infrequent (in a Wellington winter Ineed both sun and wind for most of the day). But I'll go back to the line as soon as things warm up.

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Melanie, you line dry at least some of the time. That’s good. We still use the dryer from time to time. One thing, we enjoy very clement weather year round here in San Diego, California, which makes line drying convenient.

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