I think it is good that you are focusing on getting information out about a topic that is usually drenched in vituperation and bile from both directions. The more straightforward information we get the better.

There is also a more strategically political dimension to this issue of border/wall politics, however,. Readers here may or may not appreciate this recent piece in the TransAtlantic about the politics of walls and borders, particularly as it relates to the current situation in the US…

Do Our Political Elites Really Dislike Walls?


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deletedOct 13, 2023Liked by Paul Hormick
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Jen, thank for your comment. I disapprove of what Biden is doing in Texas with the wall, but there are other things that he's done that I like. The Inflation Reduction Act is really about climate change and, according to what I've read, is quite ambitious. My wife is in public health, and so far Biden gets good marks for the way he's handled the coronavirus pandemic.

No matter what, how good or bad Joe Biden has been as president, it's 1,000 times better than the previous occupier of the White House.

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